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We are surrounded by WRONG architecture, blind and outdated way of designing, which is irreparably damaging the city and the quality of life of its inhabitants.

Corruption, bureaucracy, ignorance drive WRONG top-down decisions and delayed by WRONG and weak urban strategies. Media are portraying WRONG strategies as the most advanced and innovative approaches to design. Academia is far behind, slowed down by a WRONG teaching system that doesn’t comply anymore with our highly connected world. Established design solution, proved WRONG by time, are still applied and creating significant problems for future developments.

What is WRONG with current design?
What are the urban projects that promised to be ground-breaking and turned out to be WRONG?
What are the WRONG Architectural Experiments that failed spectacularly?
What are the WRONG theoretical ideas that crashed miserably?
What are the WRONG decisions of the last century that damaged the city and its inhabitants?
What is WRONG about current architectural trends?
What are WRONG choices creating alienation and segregation?
What is behind failure?

STUDIO#14 – WRONG aim to report the most compelling content that examines everything WRONG with Architecture, Urbanism, Design, Academia, Media, Practices, Approaches, and Urban policies. STUDIO#14 intends to be a potential collector of observation to spark a break through the current challenges: under-standing the reasons and mechanisms behind the WRONG and embracing spot-on architectural and urba-nistic practices to enhance the quality of urban environment and life standards of  of society.


STUDIO© is accepting proposals for its forthcoming issue WRONG

Contributions may be submitted in different forms – essays, photographic essay, illustrations, data visualizations, case studies and projects, interviews, comic strips and even novels – exploring the issue in any field of design: architecture, urbanism, art, photography, graphic design, film… etc.

STAGE 01 (Abstract) – April 10th 2018
– Contributors are asked to send a 200-word abstract about the proposal.
– The abstract must be written in English.
– Maximum size of the submission (image included if present): 2MB

STAGE 02 (Final Piece) – May 10th 2018
– Selected contributors are asked to send the final piece, following the guidelines below:

– Essays, interviews and novels should not exceed 3.000 words maximum.
– All texts have to be submitted digitally in Microsoft Word (.doc).
– The piece must be written both in English and in the Original language.

– Photographic essays, illustrations, projects…etc. should be sent with a 500 words maximum description.
– All images have to be submitted full color (CMYK), in either JPEG or TIFF format (300 ppi, 18×25 cm)
– All drawings have to be submitted full color, in PDF format.
– For every image/graphic include illustration source, name of photographer/artist and the authorization of copyright holder.

– A short biography of the author/s (max. 50 words).

Without these simple requirements we can’t publish you contribution


STAGE 01: April 10th 2018
STAGE 02: May 10th 2018

All submissions via e-mail to:

Go to the official call

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