Law and Boundaries | Call for Papers


science po

Annual International Conference | Sciences Po Paris | May 19th and 20th 2014

Law and Boundaries is an interdisciplinary yearly conference that aims to discuss and propose new perspectives on the challenges the legal discipline is facing regarding its object, its function, its theoretical foundations and its practical outcomes. Scholars from all disciplines are expected to submit their abstracts (250-300 words) before March 14th 2014.

This year’s panel #6 is interestingly open to architects and urbanists. This is the brief:

Legal Production of Urban Spaces: power dynamics in global cities

In 1950, Carl Schmitt stated that land appropriation, delimitation and production are the three constituent movements of law. In doing so, he acknowledged the inextricable link between legislation and spatial planning. In this stream, we are interested in discussing the theoretical and empirical analyses of the interactions between law, architecture, urbanism, and communities. What is the role of law in the reproduction of global trends of gentrification, privatization, social segregation, speculative urbanization and reduction of building standards? How could legal and architectural tools become agents of social change? Is the current legal framework capable of offering spaces for alternative and innovative thinking about global cities?

The committee welcomes contributions coming from legal theory, law and urbanism, labor law, immigration law, human rights law, and social geography.

For more info, visit the conference official website.

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