Three Courtyard Community Centre

© Iwan Baan

On the eastern edge of Yangzhou’s new development area and east of the 2500-year-old Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, Three Courtyard Community Centre stands out from the surrounding newly completed call centres, glass office blocks, and farmers’ villages.

© AZL architects

The Community centre’s programme calls for recreation, dining, and meeting spaces for the surrounding residents and employees.

© AZL architects

Each of the three courtyard blocks features a different element of a traditional Chinese garden: bamboo, stones, and water.

© Iwan Baan

Around each themed courtyard, brick-clad units congregate to form a village atmosphere.

© Iwan Baan

The architect’s interests in vernacular public structures evolved into the typology of this project. Continuous roof profiles in local villages and red clay bricks made from the local riverbed undeniably anchor the project the site.

© Iwan Baan

The terracotta bricks are used both in structure and in façade, with patterns stemming from and building upon local building culture.



  • project > Zhang Lei / AZL architects
  • project team > Zhang Lei, Shen Kaikang, Yang Hefeng
  • collaborators > Yangzhou City Planning & Design Institute
  • location > Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, China
  • program > services and recreation
  • dimension > 1900 sqm
  • chronology > 2008 – 2009
  • photo creditsIwan Baan

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