Can Lluís i n’Eulàlia

Courtesy of TEd’A Arquitectes

Within a plot of approximately 5000m2, exists a stone enclosure of around 12x4m, made up of irregular thick stone walls.

Courtesy of TEd’A Arquitectes

One of the façades is made of local sandstone; therefore, more fragile and thin, it is concentrated on all of the openings and irregularities. The proposal realizes two principal operations:

Courtesy of TEd’A Arquitectes

The first one is to extend the enclosure until it has approximately square proportions.

Courtesy of TEd’A Arquitectes

The second one is to define a covered area within this enclosure.

Courtesy of TEd’A Arquitectes

So the house is able to embrace some parts of exterior space.

Courtesy of TEd’A Arquitectes

So the outer space becomes domesticated, bounded, delimited.

Courtesy of TEd’A Arquitectes

So the interior and exterior begin to blend together, creating in-between spaces.

Courtesy of TEd’A Arquitectes

So the interior and exterior are the two sides of the same coin.

Courtesy of TEd’A Arquitectes

So the different boundaries that surround the house are considered as shells that protect the inhabitant.

Courtesy of TEd’A Arquitectes

This house is understood from the interior, from the inhabitant that lives there, and not from the observer looking passively at the object.

Courtesy of TEd’A Arquitectes

So the house becomes a graft of the Mediterranean tradition.



  • project > TEd’A Arquitectes
  • location > Sa Pobla, Mallorca (Spain)
  • program > single family home
  • dimension > 99 mq
  • chronology > 2010 – 2012

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