GUD 2020.1 / Transitions

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Ettore Sottass, Metafore Disegno di uno dei mille corridoi dove consumerai i tuoi passi (1972-79)


Twenty years after its foundation, GUD / Genova University Design Magazine marks its relaunch, updated in form and content offering itself as a tool for an investigation aimed at all the disciplines and cultures of the project. 

Transitions, the theme proposed for the first issue of this new cycle, symbolically represents the transfer from a magazine focused on ‘design,’ seen as industrial design, albeit in the broadest sense, to a research and editorial product oriented towards the whole field of disciplines related to the culture of the project. 

Transitions are the spatial and social transformations induced by the design action, capable of involving all places of living, from the territory, to architecture, from the city to everyday objects. Transitions denotes, then, that particular condition of suspension of time, place, space and identity which we so frequently detect in contemporary reality and which, more generally, concerns the historical periods of crisis and profound change.

Following this interpretation, the first issue starts with the purpose to offer a broad and plural platform for the debate that the international community is called upon to face every day through the design action.

GUD, a Magazine about Architecture, Design and Cities. 

Call for Papers

The act of passing through a place, of crossing it, presupposes a movement and, almost always, implies a substantial transformation. The transit through a space corresponds to an act of progressive knowledge, acquired thanks to the experience and, literally, to the travelled journey. The act of passing through a passage, whether it is a simple entrance or a larger opening, deter- mines a change of state: as in chemistry, it represents the minimum value in which a stimulus is of sufficient intensity to start producing a tangible effect. If expressed in terms of research and investigation, the concept of passage opens up even wider and unexplored horizons.

In all these articulations (and in many others), the transition becomes an opportunity to reflect on the culture of the project at the scale of the city, architecture and product design. The transition is that ambiguous and indefinite status in which boundaries – physical and mental ones – fade and the possibilities of the design action multiply endlessly. From these standpoints, the first issue of GUD Magazine in 2020 intends to collect research contributions and design experimentations, as well as essays and critical reflections, useful for defining, also in relation to other scientific areas, the thematic declinations and application potential of the concept of ‘passage (s)’ in relation to the spatial transformations induced by the design process.

To address these ideas, the following thematic are identified:

physical and cultural crossings, social rites and ceremonies
new notions of habitat and living, in the design of the house, the city and the landscape HISTORICAL TRANSITIONS
technological innovations, historical events that have constituted a new era TRANSITIONS OF STATUS
contamination of the project with art, science, literature
from micro to macro and vice versa, design and exhibition

Submission and selection process

ABSTRACT – Deadline April 10, 2020
Authors are invited to send to an abstract in Italian – max 5,000 characters, spaces included. A significant image must be attached to the abstract (good quality, Creative Commons license or owned by the author). Please follow the attached Editorial Rules.

Each author can submit only one abstract (individually or within a group). Each proposal must be sent in two files in .pdf format according to the following indications: one file will be anonymous (will contain only the title, abstract and image), the other file will contain the title, abstract and image and name, surname and contacts of the author(s).

Abstracts arrived before the deadline will undergo a blind peer review process. The response regarding the acceptance of contributions will be communicated by April 30th, 2020.

PAPER – Deadline May 29, 2020
Following acceptance, each author(s) has to write a paper in Italian of max 15,000 character spaces included, and including notes, following the marks and suggestions provided within the referencing process. The paper must be matched by a maximum of 10 good quality images (300 dpi, minimum width 10 cm) under Creative Commons license or owned by the author.

Bibliographical references are excluded from the overall character count. The paper must be delivered in .docx format and prepared in accordance with the attached Editorial Rules.


March, 2020 – Call launching
April 10th, 2020 – Abstract delivery deadline April 30th, 2020 – Abstract acceptance response May 29th, 2020 – Paper delivery deadline
July 10th, 2020 – Official launch of the GUD issue


Failure to comply with the Editorial Rules may result in the non-acceptance of the article.
An author can appear only once in the same issue and cannot publish in two consecutive issues of the magazine. This rule also applies to group contributions.


The magazine will be published in digital format on the Stefano Termanini Editore website.
On request and upon payment, hard copies can be made.

Download the official call

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