Incompiuto Summer School / Leggermente

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General info

Within the frame of Matera European Capital of Culture 2019, INCOMPIUTO Summer School is an opportunity to reflect on the relationships between architecture and shame, unfinished works and abandoned places, reversibility and transformation processes. The topics discussed and the peculiar reality of Matera have inspired the creation of a study lab, design and intervention in the public space, with a total duration of 8 days, which will have its focus at the unfinished swimming pool of the Rione di Serra Rifusa.

The initiatives will be divided into different phases and will involve as many people as possible: from citizenship to tourists, to international guests, students and professionals. The closing event of the Summer School will be the occasion to reflect on the definition of public space and common good within the unfinished building. The first step towards the rediscovery and reactivation of a public space, it consists in regaining a collective dimension by working, even if for a few days, with the territory, with the local actors.

At the unfinished swimming pool of Serra Rifusa
Via dei Dauni, 75100, Matera, Basilicata, Italia

From 18th to 24th, July 2019

Who can take part?
INCOMPIUTO summer school is open to students as well as professionals worldwide and from every discipline.

English and Italian

Participants should bring their own lap-top computers. WLAN is freely available.

Typology : Swimmimg Pool
Completion level: 50%
40°41’01.9”N 16°34’51.4”E
size: M


The INCOMPIUTO Summer School consists of a week-long design workshop and a series of lessons. INCOMPIUTO promotes a close relationship between all participants in a truly unique atmosphere. The setting of Matera Capital of Culture and the position of the unfinished pool compared to the new city, make it a perfect location for a summer workshop.

Incompiuto Summer School / LEGGERMENTE
A permanent camping site, within the unfinished building location, provides the setting for all the lectures and meetings with researchers and professionals to examine and expand the phenomenon of the unfinished and the feeling of shame linked to the forms of living. The aim: to fully inhabit the unfinished space, to experiment with temporary forms of reappropriation and enjoy the intellectual freedom given by the workshop’s transdisciplinary approach.

Public Event
At the end of the workshop, the participants are invited to the opening party on July 25th: LEGGERMENTE, organized in collaboration with Architecture of Shame. The event includes a temporary public opening of the pool, during which, through guided tours, it will be possible to visit the area, see the works produced during the summer school and participate in the opening party.

Applications to Incompiuto Summer School can be sent via e-mail to:
Fee: 250€
Bank transfer payment to: Associazione Incompiuto Siciliano
Reason: SUMMER SCHOOL _Nome_Cognome
Details: Bank: Banca Etica IBAN: IT17L0501801600000012513859 SWIFT: CCRTIT2T84A

Ticket includes
1 weeklong workshop, 5 lectures and 1 final critic with special guests, some aperitivi and 1 opening party. The entrance to all the events of Architecture of Shame programme for the European Capital of Culture. A surprise package from INCOMPIUTO with a printed copy of the group booklet in which the participant is in. A Diploma for each attending student.

Ticket does not include
Travel expenses, accommodation, local transportation, meals other than the aperitivi, and extra studio material.

More info

Based on the number of participants, it will be possible in the following weeks, to arrange the stay in an affiliated structure in a affiliated structure (B&B or hostel) with the summerschool or to camp in the in the area neighboring the pool. Rates and contacts will be provided soon.

Stay tuned
f: @IncompiutoSiciliano
i: @IncompiutoSiciliano

Veronica Caprino +39 3385385056

INCOMPIUTO SUMMER SCHOOL is a project by Alterazioni Video and Fosbury Architecture in collaboration with Architecture of Shame with the contribution of Failed Architecture and Urbz

Download the official call

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