OurCities: Re-imagine the urban environment



Three days of confrontations, round tables and workshop to re-imagine the future of OurCities.

OurCities is a new project curated by Itinerant Office within the cultural agenda of the association New Generations. It represents an experiment of collaborative curatorship involving the selection of 14 international architects. Each have been asked to answer three questions, with the main goal to build a new open tool that will grow in the coming months with contributions from many other experts in different fields.

OurCities will take place next October 22-25 at La Palazzina Reale – the seat of the Board of Architects of Florence and FAF – Fondazione Architetti Firenze, and will see more than 30 local and international guests participate in a series of open round tables and presentations, to confront on the future of European Cities.

The program of the event includes 14 presentations, 4 round tables and 1 practical workshop tutored by Space&Matter (NL) and Michele Ferretti (IT). The workshop is open to every discipline and aims at the proposal of a series of strategies to reprogram Piazza Vittorio Veneto, following the main topics of the event. Find HERE more information about this activity.

OurCities is supported by OAF, the Board of Architects of Florence and FAF – Fondazione Architetti Firenze, with the patronage of the Municipality of Florence. The media partners of the initiative are NIP – Network in Progress and L’architetto web magazine.

For any additional information: ourcities@ourcities.global

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