4th Science Day | Call for Applications

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This call is addressed to prospective doctoral candidates, students and doctoral candidates from the fields of architecture and urban and landscape planning. They can participate with research projects or research ideas. The 4th Science Day of the Faculty of Architecture of the RWTH Aachen provides participants who are selected through the international call, with the opportunity to discuss their research ideas within a professionally competent forum, to review the content-related relevance and consistency of their ideas and develop them further.

The research projects that are submitted should be assignable to one of the three thematic areas that are represented by the three organizing Junior Professors as well as the external experts. Per thematic area three project exposés are discussed with a panel consisting of the Junior Professors, guest critics, presenters and the audience. These discussions will be held on Science Day, which is an all-day event taking place on June 25th, 2015.

The broad orientation of Science Day with the three diverse thematic areas that are looked at in an equal and comparative manner contributes to making the diversity of research content and methods in architecture, in urban and landscape planning visible and productive.

The three thematic areas are:

  • Recycling-oriented construction
  • Preservative urban development in the European context
  • Researching Design– forms of science in the design process

The Science Day, initiated by the Faculty of Architecture of the RWTH Aachen, is a collaborative event put on by Prof. Dr. Linda Hildebrand, Junior Professor Re-Use in Architecture, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carola Neugebauer, Junior Professor Cultural Heritage and Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Carolin Stapenhorst Ph.D., Junior Professor Tool-Culture.

30.04.2015 Deadline for the exposés
14.05.2015 Selection of research projects and project sketches
25.06.2015 Science Day

All the details in the official call page.

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