What’s missing | Call for ideas

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Call for submissions

Contemporary reality, with its apparently infinite range of solutions and possibilities, has inundated us with an overabundance of choices and prospects. Cyclical socio-economic crises notwithstanding, there is a multiplicity of choice although not everything is for everyone.

Consequently, we find ourselves subdividing the world in two big categories: 1) That which we already have, and 2) That which we don’t have yet, but which – if it was of interest to us, and were able to afford it – we could get.

More rarely, we ask ourselves what is missing in our present condition: as if the plurality that exists would erase – or merely obscure – the possibilities of all that isn’t there. In spite of appearances, many things still aren’t there: maybe even the most fundamental ones, especially from the point of view of human wellbeing.

The architect has existed not only as a problem solver or specialist technician but also as an interpreter of concepts, who is able to materialize visions and cultural orientations for the societies in which they live.

GIZMO, then, is asking for your submissions to answer this question: “What is missing in our cities?”
We’re looking for ideas that will suggest “What is missing”. It’s the ideas themselves, in fact, more than any other thing, that is missing, in a worrying, and even dramatic way.

Submissions might refer to a realistic solutions or to utopian, fantastical visions concretely realized. Ideas may be expressed in whatever mode that most appropriately brings them to life – including a text, a project, a drawing, a photomontage, a video…

The materials must be received on or before May 30th, 2015, through our email address info@gizmoweb.org. Attachments should not exceed the size of 10 MB.

The materials will be selected critically and published on the online magazine GIZMO (ISSN 2385-1430) at the address www.gizmoweb.org

Go to the official call.

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