Izmo Summer School 2014 | Light up the Public Space


izmo summer school

What: Summer School
Topic: Light up the Public Space
When: July 23rd – August 1st, 2014
Where: Torino, Italy
Hours: 9:30am – 6:30pm
How: Lectures, Design Workshop, Light Installation
Organization: Izmo in partnership with Circoscrizione 5 in the City of Turin, Politecnico di Torino, Iren S.p.A, TeSSO, Techlab, Officine Creative at Cecchi Point
Fee: 395€ until June 26th || 450€ until July 17th

Izmo runs the 4th edition of the International Summer School in Turin (Italy) from July 23 to August 1 2014. This year, the focus will be on light design in public spaces. The course aims at attracting students – both under and post graduates – , professionals and, in general, anyone who is interested in the subject of light design and creative re-use. The project is developed in collaboration with Associazione TeSSo, which works on urban renewal and social change precisely in the area where the courses will take place. The lectures will be held by experts and professors of Light design, Urban design and Interaction design, in order to develop a broad and multidisciplinary perspective on the subject. In addition, students will have the opportunity to experience methodologies and techniques that will enable them to work creatively with waste materials and to learn participatory design practices. The training will be further enhanced by a meeting with Truly Design [Italy]: as special-guests they will show their projects and explain their approach to the topic. The language of the Summer School is English. At the end of the lessons, participants will work on the design and production of an urban light installation, using sustainable materials. The installation will be placed in a pedestrian zone in Borgo Vittoria, a historical area in north Turin, and inaugurated by a friendly and informal cerimony in the neighborhood. In this occasion, the students will have the chance to meet the inhabitants of the area and receive some feeback about their work. After the end of the Summer School, the citiziens themselves, supported by Associazione TeSSo, will take care of it, dealing with its maintenance. Each student will be equipped by all necessary material and work tools and will be mentored by Izmo, Iren and Techlab staff in every phase of the project. Participants students will be awarded 4 credits, issued by the Politecnico di Torino and valid at any other university. In addition, we will provide constant help in logistics, housing research, mobility, and tourism.

For any further information, please visit the web site.

Izmo was established in 2006 in Turin, Italy. The association focuses on participatory process, local development, architecture, design and ICT. The name Izmo originates from the word isthmus, a thin line of land that joins two areas. Our research topic is in fact the territory: where interactions take place between public space and individuals. Our mission is to link the territories, the people with the land and the citizens with each other. We do this, for instance, through projects of urban design, installation; organization of seminars, meetings and workshops; and developing of Web platforms. In all cases, the projects designed by Izmo come from reading and from listening to people and places that will benefit from our operations.

Izmo – made to gather
FitzLab – Via Aosta, 8 – 10152 – Torino – Italy

Contact person:
Alessandro Grella: +39 328 4838858 | Alberto Rudellat: +39 328 2110079

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