2nd Istanbul Design Biennial | Call for manifestos


istanbul design biennale

A critical reading of design manifestos of the past two decades reveals a complex, interdisciplinary set of approaches that address issues as diverse as ecology, science fiction, sustainability, play, color, clothing, responsibility, urbanism, normalism, DIY, storytelling, alternative methodologies, open source, and pesto!

But what are contemporary design manifestos?

Are they quicker, lighter, cheaper, faster? Are they wily, canny, curious? Do they recuperate ideas from the past—and from the present? Are they responsive: looking to the periphery but also mining the center? Are they empathetic: fostering new relationships between people and information, objects, rituals, and services? Are they composite: borrowing from multiple sources and questioning hierarchies? Do they advocate: catalyzing social infrastructures toward new goals?

We seek manifestos (whether texts, actions, services, objects, or something else) that open up new attitudes and sensibilities, highlight underexplored or overlooked aspects of society, and prompt further investigation and exchange about our designed and constructed age. We are looking for submissions that imagine a new future and instigate change by building on and reinterpreting history, changing both in the process. With your contributions, we hope to generate an alternate portrait of the future—one that is layered and nuanced, represents multiple points of view, acknowledges both positive and negative outcomes, and includes ideas from multiple generations and places—while emphasizing the important role that design plays in furthering our understanding of, and engagement with, the world around us.


The Istanbul Design Biennial encourages individuals from any design-related field or background to contribute. We are interested in receiving manifestos in all forms, including, but not limited to, images, animations, videos, graphics, diagrams, and/or text. Ultimately the form of each contribution should be determined by whatever most effectively communicates the idea.

To submit your design manifesto, fill in the form HERE and please respond HERE until 1 February 2014. For attachments exceeding 25MB please use online fire sharing services.

More info in the 2nd Istanbul Design Biennal official page. Please click here for the 2nd Istanbul Design Biennial theme.

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