STUDIO#06 – POWER | Call for Papers




The relationship between Architecture and Power has been the main character in the urban transformation with no space-time boundaries. Architecture has historically demonstrated its Power in creating different urban landscapes capable of influencing spaces that are lived.
Power shows and has shown how Architecture is one of the most efficient tools to express ones vision about the world.

STUDIO#06 – POWER wants to investigate how to examine this continuous and difficult relationship within society and in contemporary experiences.

The constant relation between the communicative energy of architecture and human ambitions has determined a sometimes symbiotic practice of small and big architecture interventions. At the same time architecture’s formal power defines our perception of spaces, in each little transformation, in an ever-changing manner.

Which were and are in the historical and political scenario the dynamics, examples and the relations between Power and Architecture? In which way nowadays the pair Power-Architecture consciously or unconsciously transforms our cities and the spaces we inhabit?

Submission Guidelines

The call for papers defines the field of interest of an issue and produces a context in which to situate contributions.
For more information DOWNLOAD the .pdf file

All submissions via e-mail:
ABSTRACT: January 25th 2014
FINAL PIECE: February 20th 2014

STUDIO, Architecture and Urbanism Magazine

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