New Generation: three approaches to architecture in times of crisis


Itinerant Office, in collaboration with the Board of Architects of Rome, the Board of Architects of Milan and Studio Banana in Madrid, presents an investigation project on a selection of young Italian, Spanish and Dutch architects, aimed at analyzing the changes that are taking place in the architectural profession, as a consequence of the economic crisis.

The project “New Generation” aims at providing a tool to young students and recent graduates who, due to the actual status of crisis, find it hard to enter the job market. The research on the three countries represent the first step of a wider project, which intention is to build an international platform capable of stimulating a continuous debate around central themes of contemporary architecture. Each country is represented by 12 selected firms, who will participate in a series of practical and theoretical activities: articles, publications, conferences and video-interviews. Each firm will be interviewed on 5 themes, which will be presented in the form of 5 short video-interviews in the course of 2012. The 5 topics will be: approach, education, network, crisis, projects. The 180 mini interviews will contribute to build an open platform aimed at understanding the changes that are occurring among the new generations of architects.

The work will be presented in the Facebook profile and web page of Itinerant Office. Zeroundicipiù, togheter with other magazines and blogs of Architecture of the three countries, supports the project, contributing to the diffusion of the interviews in Italy and abroad.

With this release, we officially launch the project “New Generation”, and the first two short video of Snark Space Making (Milan) and Estidio [Sic] (Madrid).

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