The art fund pavilion

© Studiogriffa

We began by exploring the flows on site by supposing that the movement of people could be approached as the movement of particles in an electric field. We placed a number of positive and negative charges on site and run an electric field simulation software to explore several flow configurations.

© Studiogriffa

Once we found a configuration that seemed to work with the program of a35 m2 pavilion, we built a 3d space envelope of that field. We then cut the envelope in 35 horizontalslices and 50 vertical fuses, obtaining a series of surfaces with a precise geometry. We kept the horizontal surfaces as continuous layers, while the vertical ones were reduced to connection elements between horizontal layers.

© Studiogriffa

We then worked on the shape of the single 18 mm plywood laser cut elements in order to obtain a structure that could work as a 3d puzzle with no need of screws or any other external joint. A pavilion tomography optimized on the dimensions of the 18mm panels allows to reduce material waste.

© Studiogriffa

We considered a construction time of 1.5 hours per complete layer, totalizing less than 60 hours to complete the construction.



  • progetto > Cesare Griffa, Mauro Fassino, Federico Rizzo
  • localizzazione > Londra (Regno Unito)
  • tipologia > allestimento temporaneo
  • cronologia > 2009
  • concorso > The Art Fund Pavilion
  • esito > progetto partecipante

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